L’Chaim celebrates Chanukah with the Community

During this past holiday season, Rabbi David Gold represented L’Chaim as he was invited by chaplains of the Veteran Affairs Hospital, University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center, Mercy Hospital, and Jackson Memorial Hospital to arrange a Chanukah celebration. Rabbi Gold also provided Hanukkah bags to each participant, which included a menorah, dreidel and chocolate coins. these bags were sponsored and put together by the Light Family, who continues to support our L’Chaim outreach efforts each year especially during the Jewish holidays.

Each facility had on average 15 persons from the staff, patients, families, and volunteers. In his visits, Rabbi Gold explained the significance of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and a meaningful lesson. Participants enjoyed Rabbi Gold’s visit, and he was invited to return for the next Jewish holiday to arrange a celebration.

Thank you, Rabbi Gold, for being an extension of our Catholic Hospice and L’Chaim and sharing the beauty of Hanukkah to patients and staff at our local hospitals! We’d also like to thank the chaplains at these facilities for inviting us to arrange Hanukkah celebrations!

L’Chaim attends JCC Health Fair

L’Chaim joined the JCC Health Fair, a vital event aimed at promoting health, well-being, and community connection. This health fair reinforces our shared commitment to building a healthier, more informed community. L’Chaim is always looking for and exploring ways to work together to enhance the well-being of the team. Together, we can make a difference.

Class Break Until May 3, 2023

Our class series, “Contemporary Issues in Conservative Halacha,” will be taking a short break and will resume on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. Stay tuned for the next class topic! In the meantime, visit our website at www.lchaimcare.org or contact our team at info@lchaimcare.org. See you in May!
