We Say L’Chaim To Signify The Value Of Life On Earth
The L’Chaim Care Team, provided by Catholic Hospice, ensures our patients retain their dignity and never feel alone. Our trained staff is uniquely informed of Jewish traditions and culture. You can have peace of mind knowing that hospice is covered by most insurance plans, as well as Medicare and Medicaid.

Hospice At Home
Patients may also receive hospice care in their own home. Physicians, nurses and home health aides provide seamless care in the patient’s natural environment. Our Rabbis will also visit your loved one at home to provide spiritual support and emotional comfort.
Inpatient Services
- Medications, medical supplies and equipment
- Rabbinical visitations
- Pain control, symptom management and dietary guidance
- Kosher meals, as requested, in our Inpatient Care Center
- Family education regarding patient care, medications and what to expect
- Practical care such as bathing and assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
- Assistance with insurance paperwork and other matters of financial concern
The L’Chaim Care Team
The L’Chaim Care Team offers Rabbinical support and education related to end of life religious dilemmas. Care is provided regardless of age, diagnosis or financial standing.

Inpatient Services
- Medications, medical supplies and equipment
- Rabbinical visitations
- Pain control, symptom management and dietary guidance
- Kosher meals, as requested, in our Inpatient Care Center
- Family education regarding patient care, medications and what to expect
- Practical care such as bathing and assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
- Assistance with insurance paperwork and other matters of financial concern

Palliative Care
Palliative care is a medical specialty focused on providing symptom relief and a better quality of life. The L’Chaim Care Team of physicians, nurses and therapists work with your loved one’s primary care physician to deliver palliative care that includes relief from physical and mental discomfort during a patient’s decline.
Clinical Conditions
- Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
- Cancer
- Cardiac/Heart Disease
- Emphysema or other Breathing Disorders
- Hematologic/Blood Disorders
- Neurological Disorders including Parkinson’s Disease
- Renal/Kidney Disease
- Stroke/Coma
- Any other medical condition with a limited life expectancy of six months or less
Rabbinic Guidance
Our Rabbis oversee the culture of the L’Chaim Care Team, personally training every employee so that they are well informed of the Jewish culture and traditions. Our Rabbis are also personally here for your loved one and your family, including bikur cholim (visiting the sick) and nihum avelim (comforting mourners). Spiritual guidance and support is available upon request.

Bereavement Services
Rabbis, bereavement counselors and other therapists are available as needed to provide individual support for end of life patients and their families.

Wall of Compassionate Healing
The Wall of Compassionate Healing is meant to remind us of your loved one or to expand our loving outreach to families who are aided by your caring generosity. A Hebrew expression identifies these righteous actions as “Tikkun Haloam” repair of the world.
Your thoughtful contribution of a memorial nameplate on this wall will create a lasting memory of your loved one and shall plant paths of healing care for the families entrusted in our inpatient care centers.
Choice of:
1″ x 3″ Name Plate
2″ x 3″ Name Plate
2″ x 6″ Name Plate
For more information and pricing, please email info@lchaimcare.org

It is such a privilege to provide you with this high holiday video with this message of wishing healing in the world in your family and in you.
Happy New Year from Catholic Health Services and L’chaim Jewish Hospice Care!
The prayers thoughts and wishes on this presentation are ones that may allow you to find inner peace and to share them with those you love.
Happy Jewish New Year!