Hospice Care Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right end of life care for a parent, spouse or other family member is one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever have to make. To help you learn about hospice, we have addressed frequently asked questions below. If you have any other questions or concerns, you are welcome to call us at 800-533-3933. Or send us an email at info@lchaimcare.org

What is hospice?

Hospice is a specialized type of care that provides physical and emotional comfort. It is a type of palliative care. Individuals in the advanced stages of a terminal illness who no longer respond to or desire further curative treatment may be eligible. Hospice supports families and their loved ones by providing patients with support from a team of physicians, nurses, trained volunteers and other caregivers.

Is palliative care different from hospice?

Palliative care is an essential part of hospice. It is patient-centered, compassionate and focused on quality of life for patients with a life-limiting illness. Palliative consults can be provided through a medical specialist. All hospice is palliative, but not all palliative patients qualify for hospice.

How and when do I know if my loved one should be in hospice?

When a patient has been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and their prognosis is six months or less, it’s time to consider hospice care. Many families wait until the last days and weeks to call hospice. Seeking services upon receiving the initial diagnosis ensures that you and your loved ones utilize all services offered through hospice benefits. A patient with a life-limiting diagnosis may not show signs of decline immediately. In this case, there are indicators to watch out for, including frequent visits to the ER, a loss of mental ability, progressive weight loss, frequent falls and signs of deteriorating health.

Who is eligible for hospice?

Patients with a terminal prognosis of six months or less are eligible.

Where does a patient receive hospice?

Hospice care can be provided at our location or wherever the patient calls home.

What if a patient improves or lives longer than six months?

Hospice care may be discontinued or resumed at any time. Hospice care can be extended longer than the initial six-month time frame with recertification by a hospice physician.

Does Judaism recognize hospice as an option?

Hospice is not giving up. Hospice cares for the whole person — physically, emotionally and spiritually — and provides comfort for your loved one. Hospice meets the patient where they are in their disease process and seeks to improve quality of life. For these reasons, hospice service is endorsed by the National Institute for Jewish Hospice (NIJH).

How does L’Chaim serve the Jewish community?

As a Jewish service, The L’Chaim Team creates a culturally welcoming and spiritually uplifting environment for Jewish patients and families. All staff receive training in Jewish traditions from our Rabbis. We honor you and are curious about your spiritual needs. Our team has extensive experience and education in meeting the spiritual and/or religious needs of the Jewish community. Rabbis are available to counsel patients and their families, provide spiritual support, prayers of healing and music as part of the L’Chaim Team experience.

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